The Data Tool requires CSV or spreadsheet data to be suitably formatted for import. A sample spreadsheet with some correctly formatted data is included in the data tool zip, or you can download it below.
The spreadsheet can contain categories nested up to FIVE levels deep. The first column, Cat5_Name1, holds a top level category name. The Cat4_Name1 field on the same line would hold a subcategory of this, and so on down to Cat1_Name1.
Since each product must have at least one parent category, every row of your spreadsheet should have a Cat5_Name1 value, but not necessarily any subcategories.
The P_Name1 field (product name) holds the name of the product. Product name is used by the data tool as the key for a product, therefore you should not have multiple products with the same name in a data tool spreadsheet (if you do, they will be assumed to be the same product). However, the product name will appear on multiple rows if a product has multiple versions.
The V_CodeNumber (the SKU) is the unique key for versions and must be unique.
V_Price and V_Weight should all be numerical values with no currency or weight units.
V_Type can be 'c' for combination, 'b' for base version (the base of an options product) or 'v' for version. The field is not required, if blank, 'v' will be assumed.
The T_TaxRate field for EU sites, and others using a VAT model (UK, NZ) should hold the % rate of VAT that applies. The T_TaxRate2 field should have zero.
For Canadian sites, it will hold the GST value, while the T_TaxRate2 field would hold the PST value.
Ensure your page has the following code pasted near the bottom, before the closing 'body' tag.
Copy this code and place it where you want the help icon to appear in your page.
Your help link will appear as the icon below. Click it to verify how the help content will look.
Place a QR code on your product or machinery to let a user easily retrieve the user guide documentation for it.
Right-click and 'copy'