Kartris contains built-in facilities to handle customer support through your web site.
These include a searchable knowledgebase system that you can load up with articles relating to specific products or technical issues, and a support ticket system that allows you to handle support from customers in a managed way, instead of via a slew of emails.
The knowledgebase features can be turned off (so they are hidden on the front end of your site) using the frontend.knowledgebase.enabled config setting.
To access the knowledgebase features in the back end, go to 'Support > Knowledgebase'.
Articles can be created with just a name (display title), text (details) and page-title tag (for search engines). It is also suggested to use keywords; as well as populating the meta-keywords tag on the page, these keywords are also searched as part of the knowledgebase search on the front end. It is useful to add alternative spellings or names for certain things, or common misspellings, to ensure that articles have the best chance of being found with the knowledgebase search.
The Kartris support ticket system provides a web-based alternative for dealing with technical and sales support that has a number of advantages.
Support tickets opened by customers will show up in yellow in the back end support tickets view when they are still unassigned to a staff member. Once a site admin views the ticket and assigns it to themselves (the simplest way is using the 'Me' link next to the 'Assigned to' menu), they can reply to it.
The customer will receive an email when the ticket is updated. They should enter any follow up comments through the web site rather than by responding to the email, to ensure all comments are linked to the thread. The ticket will show as light grey in the listing.
Once a customer has replied, the admin responsible for the ticket will receive an email notification. The ticket will show again as yellow, meaning that action is required.
Once an issue has been resolved, the ticket can be closed. At this point it will change colour to dark grey.
The status can also be set as 'not sure' or 'unresolved'. Tickets will generally be set to this when you wish to highlight them for future attention rather than immediate attention.
Kartris shows a number of statistics on each ticket, including the number of tickets raised by this customer, the total number of messages and the total time taken on tickets for this customer (in addition to the time taken for this ticket, which is under the ticket details on the left hand side).
Ensure your page has the following code pasted near the bottom, before the closing 'body' tag.
Copy this code and place it where you want the help icon to appear in your page.
Your help link will appear as the icon below. Click it to verify how the help content will look.
Place a QR code on your product or machinery to let a user easily retrieve the user guide documentation for it.
Right-click and 'copy'