The config settings should not be confused with the web.config, which is a file on the site holding basic configuration for the site including the database connection. Config settings control all kinds of things relating to the functioning of your store, from the sizes of various images to the availability of certain features to users.
Values are stored in the database (in the tblKartrisConfig table); this has a number of advantages over setting values in the web.config.
Some important config settings are set during the setup routine; most of the others are less critical and can be tweaked later once you have Kartris running and your site under development.
Once you have located a config setting, you can click to edit it. Be extremely careful to ensure that you do not set config settings to an invalid value. This can cause errors in the operation of Kartris. Great care should be taken to double check values being changed before you click to submit any changes.
It is also possible to change config setting values directly in the tblKartrisConfig table of the database. However, the new setting will only take effect after the site is restarted (this is because the actual config setting values that Kartris uses are stored as application variables which are built when the application starts from the database values - updating config settings through the Kartris back end also triggers a rebuild of these values).
frontend.users.access - this provides control over the level of access to the site that the public has.
'No' = full site viewable
'Yes' = must login to view site
'Partial' = prices & add buttons hidden until login
'Browse' = full site viewable, must login to checkout
Ensure your page has the following code pasted near the bottom, before the closing 'body' tag.
Copy this code and place it where you want the help icon to appear in your page.
Your help link will appear as the icon below. Click it to verify how the help content will look.
Place a QR code on your product or machinery to let a user easily retrieve the user guide documentation for it.
Right-click and 'copy'