Featuring products on the home page is a way to highlight popular or high value items and channel traffic to them. To set a product as 'featured', go to 'Products > Featured Products' in the back end.
Enter some text in the search box, and matching products should appear in the filter list. Click to select one. In the smaller box next to this, you can set a priority value - higher values will rank items higher on the home page. You can set items with the same value if you don't want to determine an order. Values must be more than zero for an item to display.
You can set the maximum number of items to display using the frontend.featuredproducts.display.max config setting. If you have more than this number of items set with featured values above 1, this will limit the number that appear on the site.
You can set which product display format is used for featured products with the frontend.featuredproducts.display.default config setting.