Kartris User Guide

19.4.2. Setting up push notifications within Kartris

Push notifications are turned off by default, so you need to turn them on for your store with the following config setting: general.pushnotifications.enabled.

Push notifications are set up per-user, so you need to first go to the logins page in the Kartris back end - you must have full admin permissions for this:

Configuration > Logins

Click 'Edit' by the user that you want to set up the notifications for. At the bottom of the page, you will see the heading 'Push notifications'. Click the 'New' link to the right hand side of the page.

Name - this is any name you want to give; typically best to name it after the device you are setting the notifications up for, such as 'Derek's Android Phone' or 'Tiffany's Windows 8 Laptop'.

Device ID - this is a unique code that the app on your device creates. Simple enter it here, and your device will be linked to your user account. To make life a little easier, the code can be emailed or saved as a text file (e.g. to Dropbox).
Once you submit the details DO NOT FORGET TO SAVE (using the save button at the top of the page, to update this login account).
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