Kartris User Guide

17.14.1. Setup within Kartris

  1. Go to Configuration > Payment and Shipping Gateways and click to edit PayPal.
  2. For the 'business', enter the email address of your Paypal account - this is effectively your PayPal user ID.
  3. Change the status from 'OFF' to 'ON' (for live orders) or 'TEST' or 'FAKE' for testing. 'TEST' means that transactions will be sent to PayPal's sandbox server. 'FAKE' means that Kartris will skip the PayPal site and instead format a post back itself to the callback page of Kartris. This is useful for testing that the callback process works, triggers the appropriate emails and so on without keep having to keep going through the PayPal payment process.
  4. If you have Kartris v2.9 or above, it will automatically determine whether to post to the live or sandbox Paypal server. If you have an earlier version of Kartris (or a Paypal DLL in Kartris earlier than you will need to change the URL setting to the appropriate one for LIVE or test orders.

    For live orders:

    For test orders:
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