Kartris User Guide

17.8. GP Webpay

GP Webpay is a payment system based in the Czech Republic, providing a remote-type payment system that supports 3DS.

17.8.1. Setup within GP Webpay

Please review the GP Webpay documents. You will need to create secure certificates on their admin interface before setting up your Kartris.

17.8.2. Setup within Kartris

  1. Go to Configuration > Payment and Shipping Gateways and click to edit GP Webpay.
  2. Change the status from 'OFF' to 'ON' (for live orders) or 'TEST' or 'FAKE' for testing. 'TEST' means that a transaction will be sent to the alternative 'test' processing URL, which behaves the same as the main production URL but does not actually bill the card. 'FAKE' is another mode to aid setup and testing, Kartris itself formats an appropriate callback to itself, simulating what the remote side should pass back. It is useful for checking order emails, for example.
  3. Most of the settings will correspond to named settings provided to you by GP Webpay.
  4. The CertPFXLocalPath setting is the full local path to the .pfx file created as part of the GP Webpay account setup. If this is located on your web site somewhere, you can find the local path of the root of your Kartris installation from Database Admin > Tools. This path value should end with the name of your .pfx file.
  5. The CerfPFXPassword is the password associated with this .pfx file, not your account or any other password.
  6. The CertCerGPWebPayPublicLocalPath is the local path to the .cer file that contains GP Webpay's public cert. There is a production (live) cert, and one for the test server. Both files are included in the GP Webpay plugin folder for Kartris. You just need to find and enter the actual local path to the right file (muzo.signing_prod.cer for live transactions, muzo.signing_test.cer for test transactions to the test server).
  7. The ProcessCurrency can be left blank if you want Kartris to use whatever currency the user has chosen on the web site. Alternatively, you can set a 3 letter ISO code such as GBP or USD to force orders to be converted into that currency before processing.

IMPORTANT: Although GP Webpay uses numeric currency codes, Kartris will convert to these from the three-letter ISO codes. So you should NOT enter numeric values here, only recognized three letter currency codes. Setting the process currency is useful if your merchant account only supports one currency, or if your site has currencies available to users that your merchant account cannot handle. GP Webpay itself supports these currencies (though your merchant account may not): CZK, EUR, GBP, HUF, PLN, RUB, USD. Further setup

On most payment systems, the gateway vendor will create a new account/installation for each of your sites. However one of the attractions of GP Webpay for admins with many sites is that they can all run through a single account. One issue that results from this is regarding the uniqueness of order IDs.

Typically Kartris allocates order IDs as numbers, sequentially as orders go into the tblKartrisOrders table (which happens before orders are paid, hence actual paid order numbers might have gaps between them where orders allocated some IDs don't end up paid and finished). If you run multiple sites, these will all start numbering from 1, hence you'll have multiple sites creating IDs which might be duplicates. This will be an issue when these orders are sent to GP Webpay, as it requires all orders have a unique ID. If another of your sites previously used the same ID, GP Webpay will reject it.

The fix is relatively simple. You should adjust the 'seed' value on the O_ID field of the tblKartrisOrders table (don't from within SQL Server Management Studio), so instead of being '1' (starting numbering at 1), it is some higher value. For example, if you had three web sites, you could start one at '1' another at '1000000' and another at '2000000'. Put the numbers far enough apart that each is never likely to reach where the next starts numbering, and you should avoid your sites ever issuing the same order IDs as each other.

17.8.3. Setup on IIS

With just the settings above in @17.8.2. Setup within Kartris, you will get errors at checkout and in the logs see references that the crypto provider cannot find the file specified (i.e. the .pfx file), even though you have verified that the path to it is correct. For technical reasons, to access the certificate, you need to make an adjustment to the application pool that the site runs in.
  1. go to IIS Manager
  2. go to the application pool instance
  3. click advanced settings
  4. Under Process model, set Load User Profile to true
Once this is done, you should be able to checkout and reach the GP Webpay payment pages.
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