'Kartris Database
strKartrisDBName = "k25008_test"
strKartrisDBServerName = "localhost\SQLExpress"
blnUseWindowsAuth = true
strKartrisDBUserName = "sa"
strKartrisDBPassword = "sa"
strKartrisDBPort = 1433
'Bitcoin Client - Should match with your Bitcoin payment gateway settings in Kartris
strBitcoinHost = "http://localhost"
strBitcoinPort = "8332"
strBitcoinUsername = "Kartris"
strBitcoinPassword = "ThisShouldBeSecureAndNotThisDefaultOrYouWillGetRobbed"
'Number of confirmations for bitcoin payments to be considered 'paid'
intRequiredConfirmation = "1"
'Folder where the log files will be saved to
'--don't forget to put backslash at the end (\)
strWorkingFolderPath = "C:\Users\TestUser\Desktop\"
'Whether to only log confirmed payments, will not log queries for addresses that returns 0.
'*True = smaller log file size but with less details.
blnLogConfirmedPaymentsOnly = True
'Other Settings
numCursorType = 1 'for SQL Server
strEmailMethod = "off"
strMailServer = "localhost"
strEmailFromAddress = "no_reply@mysite.xyz"
strEmailSubject = "Summary"
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