Kartris User Guide

14.3.2. Creating custom product controls

Kartris ships with a couple of sample custom controls in the /UserControls/Custom/ folder. There are comments within the files to help explain the code. Our examples are very simple in nature, but you can make things as complicated as necessary as long as you can dump a price and item description out of the control.

For example, you could have a control that has textboxes for the width and height of curtains, a dropdown menu of different lining types and then some other checkboxes for some further options. Prices could be looked up in an Excel spreadsheet with a table of curtain costs. This not only allows very fine control of pricing, but also makes it easy to change or update pricing by editing prices in the spreadsheet.

Engineering applications such as industrial fans could use either a 'black box' software component from the manufacturer or a web service to look up pricing based on various performance requirements, and return the fan specification as the item description, as well as the price.
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